The O F F I C E

Another week in the books, and another cold! I thought my child was immune to just about anything (thanks to licking the floor at Target), but school seems to be his kryptonite. So this is what my home looked like most of the weekend:

I mean, you might as well put this shit on a pretty tray right?

Well, I can safely check the office, off of my list. Of course, there are always things I could add eventually, but I won't be focusing on this room again, any time soon.

Above, is my desk, and below, is Alex's. You'd think he has enough monitors, but I'm told he could always use more.

He's got the nice view

And if you're curious, this is how I keep life organized (or at least attempt to):

I have the monthly calendar for schedules and events, a pin board for urgent things to remember - same goes for the mini white board, and of course my planner.

Alex and I are both nerdy (the most obvious sentence ever written). So we've collected lots of toys and fan art along the way. And this is where all of that lives.

I spy Warcraft, the Punisher, Black Panther, Leia, the Office, Thor, Star Trek, Supernatural, and Wonder Woman

One of the baskets holds more swag, like Peggy Carter, Stranger Things, Guardians... I just don't have space for it yet, but am on the lookout for a cute way to display more!

Aside from the toys, these shelves hold magnets, stickers, office supplies, school books, games, and my art supplies.

On the other side, I store all of Logan's art supplies, lesson plans, and projects. It's in desperate need of a clean out, but I can easily ignore that for now.

I do want to point out that these are the Alex drawers from Ikea. I put some bookplates on them, took a crappy picture and posted it on Pinterest. It's since been my most pinned item and is floating all over the internet. I still kick myself for not taking a better picture - and putting my name on it!

Anyways, now I have an organized office that I enjoy spending time in, while Alex remains oblivious to any changes that have been made.

Current Obsessions:

- If you're ever in Monroe before 2pm, I highly recommend Madison Grand Cafe. It's named after Adam's daughter, and was inspired by his time spent in Paris. I took my mum out for lunch there this week! Day drinking + Sandwiches = LIFE

- While we're on the subject, please binge watch the Office. This show is basically on a loop in the house 24/7. Get all the inside jokes, then start shopping for swag.

Current Projects:

Things are happening!!


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