L A U N D R Y • R O O M

How often do you do laundry? And how much do you hate it? If you're like me the answers are: every waking minute of the day, and ALL OF THE HATRED. So it makes perfect sense to me to decorate this room, then you won't dread the chore as much, because of the pretty.

Here is my laundry room of zen, where I can escape the barking dogs, and screaming child, to focus on cleaning urine out of everything (ps potty training is not going well).

First, let's talk decals. I believe I showed these peonies off a while ago, but just in case, here are the details again.

They're from an Etsy shop called: Simple Shapes. I love these because of their texture and how easy it was to fix a 'mistake'. They come in two large sheets, where you pull off each piece and put them on the wall however you like. And if you need to adjust it, the world won't end! 

As for art, I love collecting things that are meaningful to me in some way, unexpected, or just plain silly. 

And then of course, I should point out all the functionality of this room. 

We're able to store our dirty laundry underneath the counter, a cute jar holds the Tide Pods, and some extra wall space was perfect for the ironing board that I pretend to use. 

Any change I find in pockets goes into our Boston Terrier bank. I am rich in nickels! 

Above the machines we have a shelf that holds 4 baskets for all our laundry or carpet cleaning needs.

 And on top of our dryer, I keep a small bin for lint, and a tin to hold our Downy sheets. 

I love that I have a view of the park across the street, and all the light that shines through this window. 


Even though I hate doing laundry. I love being in this room. 


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