H O U S E - I V E R S A R Y

Hello Loves,

It's about to get V emotional, as I walk you down the memory lane of our first year in our dream house. I can tell you that I still look around and pinch myself. Seriously, how is this is real life?

If you're new here, this is a quick recap:

- We found Quadrant building new homes at an affordable price in a small town "far away"

Not actually far away

- Decided to take the leap of faith and move with our little family plus my mum

Chose Lot 14 - hence the blog name

- Designed the house of our dreams

- Built the house of  our dreams

- Moved in

- Neighbors became family

- New town is adorable and we actively participate in it

Alex is part of a civil service commission, we volunteered as hostages for SWAT training, and we both completed the citizen academy with the PD

- Been decorating 24/7 since day 1

Every day life

Parties and Holidays

- Quadrant Homes asked us to do a family photoshoot in the house for upcoming ads

Free family photos - Hell Yes!
- First year in the books

- We're seriously living our Happily Ever After

Now that you're all caught up, here is a mini tour of our house - with some before and afters!

E N T R Y  

Mum added a custom door to separate her studio from the house

L I V I N G     R O O M 

K I T C H E N 


L A U N D R Y    R O O M

G U E S T    R O O M


L O G A N ' S     R O O M

Logan transferred from a crib to a big boy bed!

M A S T E R    B E D R O O M

M A S T E R    B A T H R O O M

So what's next? That's a question I get asked a lot.

Right now, I've been focusing on purging the house of anything we haven't used since the move. I can't tell you how many car loads I've taken to various donation sites, and the number of homes I've helped outfit, is somewhere in the hundreds 😆.

That should take me to Spring, when we can get to work on some bigger projects. Our goals will be to tackle the backyard landscaping, put up some board and batten in our bedroom, paint some walls, and finish the garage.

We are looking forward to continually making this the perfect forever-home for us, as our family grows up together. I can't express how truly grateful I am to have this house, in this neighborhood, in this small town.

Thank you so much for following along so far!

We're home 


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