F R A M E • W A L K
Hi all,
Today we did our frame walk, where we can see what's in the walls before the drywall goes up. We took our go-pro and my trusty iphone and recorded everything. I won't be drilling into any sewer lines anytime soon!
It's seriously an organizer's dream to see how neatly all the wires are laid out in the house. And how easy it will be to access any lines we'd potentially need.
Also how cool is this HVAC? It reminds me of the shadow monster from Stranger Things. Please tell me you watch that show and get this reference!
Our Superintendent has been great about catching little mistakes during our walk through, that are easily fixable. Plus he's super accommodating about small changes that will make a big impact on my happiness. And let's be real, that's the only thing that matters.
I'm starting to get really comfortable in that house. I love that I'll know it backwards and forwards, inside and out.
I've already decorated it in my head, but I'm starting on version two. And until I can move in, I'll document those ideas here!
Today we did our frame walk, where we can see what's in the walls before the drywall goes up. We took our go-pro and my trusty iphone and recorded everything. I won't be drilling into any sewer lines anytime soon!
It's seriously an organizer's dream to see how neatly all the wires are laid out in the house. And how easy it will be to access any lines we'd potentially need.
Also how cool is this HVAC? It reminds me of the shadow monster from Stranger Things. Please tell me you watch that show and get this reference!
Our Superintendent has been great about catching little mistakes during our walk through, that are easily fixable. Plus he's super accommodating about small changes that will make a big impact on my happiness. And let's be real, that's the only thing that matters.
I'm starting to get really comfortable in that house. I love that I'll know it backwards and forwards, inside and out.
I've already decorated it in my head, but I'm starting on version two. And until I can move in, I'll document those ideas here!
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